Friday, January 31, 2020

10 Ways to Raise your Vibration

We are all energy beings. Each living being resonates with an energetic vibration. When you are engaged in positive thoughts and actions, you automatically vibrate at a higher level of frequency. The more you stay in a higher vibration, the better your life becomes because you attract people and situations that resonate with your state of being.

What is Energy Vibration?

In this Universe, each particle, living or non-living is vibrating at a frequency level. Even our thoughts are made of energy! And energy exchange is happening whenever we are interacting with one another. This individual level of energy frequency is often referred to as the Energy Vibration or Vibe.

Now, even if you have no idea on this matter, you probably have felt the vibe of people, experiences and objects! Some people are light as a breeze. They bring smiles and happiness wherever they go! Again, there are some who will bring bitterness and tension in the atmosphere. Tragic news makes our stomach feel heavy while happy ending in a movie elevates our mood so much! These are all energetic vibrations.

Why Vibrations are important?

Vibrations are important because if you vibrate at a low frequency for a long time, you will naturally attract bad stuff in your life! And if you, on the other hand, vibrate at a higher frequency you will bring amazing experiences and all good things in your life.

According to the Law of Attraction, vibration is extremely important. Because we attract people, situations, and stuff that resonate with the frequency that we emit. Therefore, you cannot achieve great things in life while vibrating at a low-frequency level.

How to Raise your Vibration?

Luckily there are many ways by which you can raise your vibration. Here are 10 Ways by which you can Raise your Vibration instantly:


If you want to create a great life and want to implement only one important strategy for that, this is the answer! Gratitude will transform your life completely. Keep a gratitude journal to jot down 5 things you are grateful for every single day. It will raise your vibration and improve the quality of your life so much more!


Laughter is a good medicine because it heals you from the inside. If you smile and laugh often, you will be able to stay in a high vibe almost always. (7 Amazing Benefits Of Laughter)


How many times a day do you think about the things you do not want in life? The more you focus on the things you do not want, the more you stay stuck in a low vibe.

For instance, if you are currently facing a financial crisis do not concentrate on the lack. Think and plan on the situation, yes, but don't stress on the problem. Instead, visualize abundance! Shower some gratitude on what you do have!


The easiest way to maintain your own vibe is by engaging in unbiased conversation. When you judge someone you are neither doing good to them or to yourself. Whenever you gossip or say negative things about people, you instantly lower your vibration.


The food you eat not only nourishes your body but also your mind! People who eat fresh, healthy foods are always happy and energetic. On the other hand, those who feed on stale foods, canned, fried, extra spicy, oily and unhealthy foods always stay in a negative mood. To stay in a high vibe choose greens and other healthy options. Also, stop dumping your refrigerator because foods kept for a long time lose their quality and are low in energy frequency.


We tend to raise our frequency as we spend time in a natural environment. Today's fast life has disconnected us from Mother Nature. As we move away from her, our internal power decreases. To enhance your inner energy, go for a stroll in a natural surrounding every day.


Meditation is a channel to connect with Source energy. In a deep meditative state, you will find solutions to your problems and answers to your queries. Practice meditation daily to ensure a high vibration.


Stop calculating all the time! Try to ignore what you will get from others. Instead, become a generous person. Pay for someone's coffee, give a sincere compliment, do a free service somewhere, offer help to someone out there!

As you practice generosity, you stay in a blissful condition. You become a high vibrational being.


Forgiveness is a skill that improves your life. When you practice forgiveness, you release stored up negative emotions, past hurts, and resentment. By forgiving others mentally you do a great service to yourself because you start to heal while practicing forgiveness.


Most of us do not have an ideal environment. An environment that is conducive to growth and success is not handed out, it has to be created! Eliminate negative influences, read and listen to positive content, visit cultural places, attend personal development seminars. In short, create an environment for yourself. Don't settle for less if you want to succeed. Build a great atmosphere that supports and encourages you. You can do this by choosing the right options for yourself.

Also, read - How to surround yourself with positivity


As we are energy beings, therefore we are influenced by the energy of others. We must try to protect our energy so that it is not lowered. Furthermore, we have to continuously raise the vibration to attract good things in life. The 10 ways mentioned in this article will help you to increase your vibration so that you become a magnet to success, abundance, and wonderful opportunities.

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

I am a Personal Development coach and can provide you the one-on-one guidance you require to make 2020 the best year ever!

* I take work projects for Blogging & Book Reviews. 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

10 Great Habits to Make 2020 the Best Year Ever!

A new decade is knocking on our door! With Christmas and other celebrations around we are all decorating our houses, dressing up and going to salons to look beautiful. These preparations really add to the festive mood. But if you really want to make 2020 your best year ever don't just prepare externally but bring some internal changes as well! Develop the following habits to create a wonderful year and a grand new decade.

10 Simple Habits that will make 2020 the Best Year Ever-

1. SMILE MORE - Life could be tough sometimes bringing you loads of worries but you must not allow it to control your mood. I am a strong believer in the power of positive thinking because I know that our feelings and emotions can create our lives. If you smile more, it will bring more positivity to yourself and those around you! Also your personality changes for the better and people suddenly starts to find you more impressive. Make a resolution just now to smile more and attract better opportunities and people in your life. Truly, all good things come to those who are cheerful!

2. KEEP A GRATITUDE JOURNAL - Simply write down 5 things you are grateful for each night before going to bed and you will be amazed at how fast your life changes for the better! The more you express your gratefulness for the things you have in your life, the more the Universe provides you reasons to be grateful about! Oprah Winfrey always suggests to maintain a gratitude journal. Celebrities and highly successful people regularly practice this method. So why not you? Try keeping a gratitude journal and see how you become a magnet to all the good stuff!

3. READ GOOD BOOKS - Now this point could not be stressed enough! Reading is a great way to change yourself. You would increase your vocabulary, you will learn to communicate better and most importantly you will certainly become educated! Name any topic or any skill you want to learn. You will always find a good book to provide you all the information you need. Read good books and articles to stay ahead of your peers.

4. STOP COMPLAINING - Complaining never changes your situation, only it makes it worse. A complainer will always find more reasons to complain about! It neither helps them or those that they complain about. Complaining is a way of spreading negativity. To live a happy life quit this habit. Instead take responsibility for your own life!

5. CHANGE YOUR DIET - Did you know that the food we eat has an effect on our thoughts and behaviour? To live a better life switch to a better diet. You don't have to bring drastic changes like suddenly becoming a vegan or following a strict diet! Go slow. Add fresh veggies and fruits in your daily quota. If you eat a lot of junk foods commit to eating them only once a month. Bring some healthy additions and remove some unhealthy ones. But remember to be persistent. Your physical and mental health both would improve. Gradually you will see a huge difference in your life.

6. EXERCISE - Give your body a stretch! If you are always sitting at workplace or home, your body will become unfit and lethargic. To become more energetic and healthy do some exercise regularly. You don't have to join a gym if you don't want to. Neither you have to do anything strenuous. Simply start with regular walks in your neighborhood. Also, you can practice asanas, although it would be better to do them under the supervision of a yoga instructor.

7. PRACTICE AFFIRMATIONS & VISUALIZATION - Affirmations will literally change your life. If you don't know about positive affirmations read -> Why Positive Affirmations Work and How to Use Them.
Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated again and again to reprogram the Subconscious mind.

Also visualize your goals to achieve them! Whether you want a great body or a job, money or love, you can manifest your desires by simply viewing your goals as your mind's eyes as if they are already completed! This is specially effective before going to sleep and after waking up as the subconscious mind is most impressionable at that time!

Daily practicing affirmations and visualization will improve your life in a short time. But like anything else persistence is the key. In just six months you can see a marked difference in your life if you visualize and affirm multiple times, every single day.

Have you ever noticed that the people we surround ourselves with have an impact in our lives? We literally become like our closest friends! Are you stuck in life? Simply start making new friends. If you want to change your life quickly, start making new friends and acquaintances. You will learn so much from new people and also you'll be able to get new information and opportunities.

9. LEARN A NEW SKILL - Learn a new skill in 2020 and each of the years to come! Learn a new language, cooking new dishes, gardening or maybe a sport. Choose anything you want but do at least one new thing every year! At the end of the next decade you will be equipped with ten skills that would certainly take you ahead of the others.

10. SET GOALS & DO SOME PLANNING - What is your purpose in life? What gives you joy? Why are you doing what you are doing? Have you ever reflected on these questions? We never pause to think about our very own life! And that is the reason why most of us feel so lost and unhappy. Start doing some serious introspection. Know the person called you! And then set goals for yourself.

Again setting goals is meaningless if you don't know how to achieve them! So make some action plan based on yearly, monthly, weekly and daily basis. If you feel that you need some help on goal setting and planning, read  A Street Kid's guide to Having it All by John Assaraf.

CONCLUSION: To make 2020 the best year ever, practice certain habits that will change your life. Change your attitude by smiling more, keep a gratitude journal, read good books, stop complaining, change your diet, exercise daily, practice affirmations and visualization, make new acquaintances, learn a new skill and set goals for yourself. Bringing these positive changes in your daily routine would take you to a new level. You will be amazed to see your life improving so much in just one year, more than the combined achievements in the last decade! But remember, you have to continue your habits so that 2020 is just a start and your life starts to skyrocket from this year onwards!

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

I am a Personal Development coach and can provide you the one-on-one guidance you require to make 2020 the best year ever!

* I take work projects for Blogging & Book Reviews. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Simple Tip to Create the Life you Desire

In this blog, I have discussed a lot about the Power of the Subconscious mind, Law of Attraction , different strategies for self-improvement etc. to change your life for the better. But what if still, you are having doubts about having a better life, you still can't believe that you can actually have what you really want?

I will give you a very easy technique. It's acting as if it's already done!

How would you talk and walk when you have got that job or started the new venture, pursued your passion, had all the money you want, married your Soulmate or whatever else that you want? Really would you not act differently from how you behave now? Just close your eyes and feel how it would be like to live the life of your dream. And then observe how you act or feel now! Next, start acting, talking and behaving just like you are already living your dream. For instance, if you were rich maybe you would have stood tall, communicated confidently and smiled more often. Start practising that now.

To make your intention even stronger start dressing like your ideal self. Start taking attention to your appearance. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant but you can be more attentive to how you look and how it makes you feel. Say you are doing an entry-level job but aspire to become a manager, then it's better to start dressing and grooming as you've already got the post! There's a saying, "dress like you are already famous."  It implies that your dress up and grooming can have an effect on your future!

Now you might be thinking how by pretending like someone else can actually benefit you. The reason being simple. What you think or feel and how you act or behave creates an impression on your Subconscious mind. The Subconscious cannot realise the difference between what's real and what you are faking! And it simply starts to draw resources, situations and people into your life that matches your current state of mind. (Read about the Power of the Subconscious Mind.) Eventually, your life becomes exactly as you have imagined for yourself! It's true that "Fake it till you make it" works. You can pretend to be successful to actually bring success in your life.

CONCLUSION: # Change your life by acting as if you are already experiencing your dream life.

# Your Subconscious mind can't identify the difference between reality and imitation. It being a powerful tool, starts to attract the stuff required to live the life you are just imitating.

# Fake it till you make it works! Anything that you continuously practice ultimately becomes your reality.

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Surround Yourself with Positivity

The people we surround ourselves with defines our lives. You must have heard the saying that we are the average of our five closest friends. It's true that your tribe will have an impact on your vibe. People influence you in lot more ways than you can imagine. For instance, suppose you are feeling low and you reach out to your closest pals who discourage you even more! How would that make you feel? Or if they are the supportive lot, then they would definitely lighten up your mood and make you feel better! Can you see the difference? There are some people who bring the best out of you and some bring out the worst! Search for people who are inspiring, encouraging and have a positive mindset. Avoid those who are just the opposite!

The people who bring out the best in you are :

* Those who inspire you by their words and actions.
* Those who can compliment you (as well as others) wholeheartedly.
*  They are interested in your wellbeing.
*  They will listen to you without interruption.
*  They encourage you when you feel low.
*  They never say things like - "I told you so!"; "It's not possible for you to achieve that!"; "I don't think you can!"; "I think you are setting an unrealistic goal"; "We are but mediocre people"; "You can't succeed without any connections" etc.
* They would be genuinely happy when you succeed.
* They would not judge you when you share your craziest dreams with them!
* They would not drag you towards addictions and time-wasting activities.
* They have a purpose in life.

What to do when you don't have such people in your life?

* Limit your interaction with naysayers. This is a great step towards the path of positivity.

* Spend time alone. We are constantly absorbing other people's ideas through the social media. It's wise to do a social media detox atleast once a week. Disconnect from your gadgets and reflect on your inner self. Do some meditation to connect to the source energy. Go for a walk in open nature or simply journal your incoming thoughts. Sit with yourself, be alone for some time every day. This quietens the mind and brings solace.

* Read biographies of successful people, motivational books and blogs. Positivity can be sought from books. A book written ages ago, a writer whom you'll never meet in your lifetime can give you the inspiration that no one around you might be able to provide!

* Listen to podcasts and videos that are informational or inspirational.

* Learn to say "no" to things that doesn't resonate with you!

* Learn to say "yes" to things that you are passionate about!

* Set bigger goals for yourself and act on them. Clarity and purpose brings a sense of contentment. This instils positivity in our mind.

* Practice affirmations and visualization. Repeating positive statements reinforces positive beliefs while visualizing positive outcomes reprograms the Subconscious into positive thinking and manifesting beneficial situations in our life.

* Have an attitude of gratitude. The more you will be grateful, the more you would attract positive circumstances in your life. It's because our subconscious mind brings more of what we believe! So if we are grateful for the things we have, more extraordinary events would be brought in our experience that matches the vibration.

* Be of service. Most people think that it is all about them! They are engrossed in their joy and grief, pleasure and pain. But the truest satisfaction comes from service to others! When you contribute on a bigger objective, you start realizing that life has a greater significance than just acquisitions and accomplishments.

CONCLUSIONS: • The people around you shapes your life.

• Choose people who inspire and motivate you.

• Avoid the naysayers.

• You can find positivity from books, podcasts, by developing a positive attitude and practising techniques such as affirmations, visualization, gratitude etc.

• Spend time alone to bring peace to your mind.

• Set goals for yourself.

• Serve others and you will always find happiness and positivity in life.

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to Motivate Yourself in Difficult Times | 7 Simple Ways of Self Motivation

Life compels us to go through tough times, the days when we doubt ourselves and we want to give up! However, we must continue our journey courageously and confidently. Moments of anguish should not distract us from our goals and desires. We must be willing to get up and get going.

Motivation is the fire that ignites our spirit. I am going to give you some easy steps to refuel your mind during difficult times by motivating yourself.

The 7 Simple ways of motivating yourself are:

1. HAVE A MORNING RITUAL - The easiest way to stay motivated even in hard times is by having a daily morning ritual. If you do one or a few inspiring things every morning it becomes your habit.

So, whether it's a normal day or a tough one you can set the tone of the day in a positive manner by following a morning routine.

Your morning ritual can include one or more of these:

# Reading a few pages from a personal-development book
# Going for a walk/ Spending time in nature
# Meditation
# Any form of physical exercise
# Reading inspirational quotes
# Listening to a podcast
# Watching a motivational video
# Reviewing your list of goals
# Affirmations
# Visualization

2. BELIEVE IN THE BEST - If you develop your mindset such that you are always hoping and believing in the best, guess what, most of the time great things will happen to you!

So even if you are in a rough patch now or feeling miserable for something that had happened, quickly return to your optimistic self. The more you think positively and expect good things to happen to you, the more such things will appear in your life!

3. POSITIVE SELF TALK - Make a habit of talking positively to yourself. In reality, we are always talking to ourselves but most of these self-communications are detrimental for us.

So when you are feeling frustrated and motivated talk to yourself in an encouraging tone. Become a mentor to yourself and give a morale boost! You can look into your eye in front of a mirror and speak aloud or just close your eyes and do the talk in your mind.

4. AFFIRM TO YOURSELF - Whenever you feel discouraged, affirm positive statements repeatedly.

A few effective motivating affirmations are:

 • I am confident.
 • I have what it takes to do it!
 • I believe in myself.
 • I love and approve of myself.
 • I am a success.
 • I am always in the right place at the right time.
 • I am the best and I deserve the best!

5. COMMUNICATE WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE - There must be some people in your life who are motivating and supportive! Talk about your worries with such people.

You would definitely get an instant shift in your mood. In case you don't have any such people in your life, you can still get in touch with inspiring persons through their books, videos, podcasts, blogs etc. For instance, you can follow this blog, " Better Life Ideas" as I have created this blog to communicate with you and provide you with motivation and positivity!

6. TAKE ACTION - The more you sit idle and think about your problems, the longer you would feel helpless and miserable.

So get up and work on your goals. Take a small step towards your big goals! It would not only help you to reach your goal but in taking action you would move from being lethargic to supercharged.

7. GET SOME SLEEP - If you are feeling extremely low, get some sleep to break the current pace of things.

As you take a nap your body and mind rejuvenate, eliminating your worries. Sleep helps to reduce your anxiety and you can take a fresh start after that!

Know that you are not alone facing challenges in life. Each person has to go through tough times in their life. Sometimes it's a short phase but it could also be a long span where life might seem like a dark tunnel. You might want to give up your hopes and become heartbroken. Nevertheless, you have to be strong and get going. Following the above-mentioned steps, you can easily cope with any challenges that life might throw on your way. Remember failure or suffering can never dampen the spirit of those who do not accept defeat!

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How To Stay Positive Everyday // 10 Tips to Achieve a Positive Mindset

"The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude." - Oprah Winfrey 

The way we think and feel is the way we create our world. Positivity is a mindset. If you train your mind to stay positive it would gradually adapt to remain in that manner. The more you stay positive, the more you attract positive experiences in your life! You must have a positive mindset to create an amazing life.

Here I am giving you 10 tips to achieve a positive mindset:

1. PRACTICE SELF LOVE - Loving and accepting yourself is the first step to achieving a positive mindset.

You have to understand that all humans are flawed and you are no exception! Accept your faults and be compassionate to yourself. Criticism is fine as long as you seek a solution to improve yourself. Being overly critical is not only harsh but it's detrimental for your personal growth. Updating yourself is good but continuously finding faults on your appearance or actions will make you a negative person. So start practising self-love to stay positive every moment.

2. BE GRATEFUL - You must have an attitude for gratitude. Express heartfelt gratitude for the things and people in your life.

Humbly utter the words "Thank You" as many times as possible throughout the day. If you observe carefully you will surely find several reasons in life to be grateful for. The more you stay thankful, life would provide you with more reasons to be gratified. Practice gratitude every day to improve your mindset.

3. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET - What are your dominant thoughts? Do you feel this world is a safe place? Do you feel most people are trustworthy or you feel nobody could be trusted?

 Our thoughts determine our actions and our actions shape our lives. Your mind is like a magnet. If you think and feel in a positive manner several positive people and experiences would be drawn to you. The opposite is also true. Focus on positive ideas. Think positive to stay positive.

4. STOP CRITICISING OTHERS - The problem with criticism is that it never changes the person and they never admit their faults!

So stop draining energy in criticising others. Criticising and complaining are negative actions that will keep on filling the mind with grudge and resentment. Accept people as they are. If you don't like someone avoid or ignore them. But don't become a critic. You would waste your time and become negative minded.

5. FOCUS ON THE PRESENT MOMENT - Most of the time our mind stays in past memories or future worries. How often are you focused on the present moment? Do you eat while watching Netflix? Do you plan your upcoming meeting while taking a shower? Did you observe the flowers on your way to the office today? Did you smell the morning coffee? This present moment is all you have.

The past however good or bad is gone! The future how much you plan is beyond your control. But this precise moment is all yours! You can decide to do whatever you want right now. You can make that important phone call, meet your family, join that class, start your dream project, forgive those people right now! You can also waste your time in watching TV shows, argue with people, complain about your boss, feel unhappy in this hour. This moment you can choose to enjoy life or waste it. The more you focus on the "now" the more you appreciate life. You become calm and optimistic.

6. LET GO OF THINGS YOU CANNOT CONTROL - In life you will face certain situations which are beyond your control.

An accident, sudden demise of a loved one, betrayal from a friend, abuse or an insult, your partner cheating on you, losing your job are some of the many situations where you have absolutely no control. It's normal to feel sad and heartbroken but learn to accept reality and move on. If there's a lesson, learn it but get up and move forward.

7. LEARN TO FORGIVE - If you want to keep your peace of mind start practising forgiveness. It's often a tough thing to do but if you really want a positive and happy life there's no other way!

Holding grudges and resentments are like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. The longer you hold your disapproval the longer you stay bitter and unhappy. You must be willing to forgive your wrongdoers as well as yourself. Years of resentment will not fade away in a couple of days or weeks. Practice forgiveness every night before going to sleep.

8. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVITY - Our environment has a huge impact on us. We absorb the ideas and attitude of people with whom we spend the most time with.

The shows you watch, the magazines you read, the events you attend influences your life. If you want to stay positive and happy, surround yourself with such people. Instead of watching TV read books, rather than playing games listen to podcasts. Create a positive environment for yourself.

9. SET GOALS - Positive minded people know what they want in life.

They continuously set goals and work on them. Your life is your chance to shine brightly. Make time to set goals and chase them. As your mind becomes goal-oriented, it would stop wandering around aimlessly. Our brain is a goal-seeking organ, stay focused to stay positive.

10. CELEBRATE LIFE - Life is beautiful but it's too short. Enjoy every moment, celebrate life till it lasts!

Congratulate yourself for even the tiniest bit of achievement, smile a lot and stay pleased. Appreciate yourself and everyone around you. Chase your wildest dreams. Do good to yourself and others. Do things that you love. Spread happiness everywhere you go! As you start celebrating every moment your life would change for the better.

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

10 Lessons I have learned in Life

Life is the best school and experience is the best teacher. Following are the 10 Lessons I have learned in a hard way -

1. If you are passionate about something, it's worth pursuing. Take action towards your desires. Life is too short and all you have is "now". So make time for your passion, chase your wildest dreams.

2. Thoughts become things literally. Our thoughts and beliefs create our world. Positive thinking will assist you in more ways than you can imagine. A positive mindset is a must to achieve great things in life.

3. Some people will say mean things about you. Don't give up on your plans because others are criticising your ideas. It really does not matter what others think about you.

4. Choose your friends wisely. Some friends can enrich your life while some others can abuse you. Also, we become like our close friends so pick your pals carefully. It's better to be alone than in the wrong company.

5. Be prepared. There isn't really a shortcut to success. You must be willing to consistently work on your goals. Hone your skills, read and learn a lot. Outwork everyone around you. As they say, preparation beats talent every single time!

6. No one is coming to save you! This is your life and you should take the full charge. Don't expect others would come to make things easier for you. You have to make decisions and you have to take full responsibility for that.

7. Set high standards. It's absolutely foolish to say " yes" for things you know are a "no" for you. Be firm with your non-negotiables and never compromise on that.

8. Difficult times show the real character of people. In your bad days, you'll painfully observe the true colours of many people including some friends and loved ones. Learn the lessons and move on.

9. Time is the most precious thing in life. Our lifespan is comprised of packets of time. The time you give to people and things are portions from your own life! So use your time well. Stop spending time on useless stuffs and worthless people.

10. Money is the most powerful tool on earth. A penniless person is useless however kind and loving they are. Money gives you freedom and money does buy happiness. So it's better to start earning and investing money as young as possible.

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

10 Ways to Raise your Vibration