Thursday, December 26, 2019

10 Great Habits to Make 2020 the Best Year Ever!

A new decade is knocking on our door! With Christmas and other celebrations around we are all decorating our houses, dressing up and going to salons to look beautiful. These preparations really add to the festive mood. But if you really want to make 2020 your best year ever don't just prepare externally but bring some internal changes as well! Develop the following habits to create a wonderful year and a grand new decade.

10 Simple Habits that will make 2020 the Best Year Ever-

1. SMILE MORE - Life could be tough sometimes bringing you loads of worries but you must not allow it to control your mood. I am a strong believer in the power of positive thinking because I know that our feelings and emotions can create our lives. If you smile more, it will bring more positivity to yourself and those around you! Also your personality changes for the better and people suddenly starts to find you more impressive. Make a resolution just now to smile more and attract better opportunities and people in your life. Truly, all good things come to those who are cheerful!

2. KEEP A GRATITUDE JOURNAL - Simply write down 5 things you are grateful for each night before going to bed and you will be amazed at how fast your life changes for the better! The more you express your gratefulness for the things you have in your life, the more the Universe provides you reasons to be grateful about! Oprah Winfrey always suggests to maintain a gratitude journal. Celebrities and highly successful people regularly practice this method. So why not you? Try keeping a gratitude journal and see how you become a magnet to all the good stuff!

3. READ GOOD BOOKS - Now this point could not be stressed enough! Reading is a great way to change yourself. You would increase your vocabulary, you will learn to communicate better and most importantly you will certainly become educated! Name any topic or any skill you want to learn. You will always find a good book to provide you all the information you need. Read good books and articles to stay ahead of your peers.

4. STOP COMPLAINING - Complaining never changes your situation, only it makes it worse. A complainer will always find more reasons to complain about! It neither helps them or those that they complain about. Complaining is a way of spreading negativity. To live a happy life quit this habit. Instead take responsibility for your own life!

5. CHANGE YOUR DIET - Did you know that the food we eat has an effect on our thoughts and behaviour? To live a better life switch to a better diet. You don't have to bring drastic changes like suddenly becoming a vegan or following a strict diet! Go slow. Add fresh veggies and fruits in your daily quota. If you eat a lot of junk foods commit to eating them only once a month. Bring some healthy additions and remove some unhealthy ones. But remember to be persistent. Your physical and mental health both would improve. Gradually you will see a huge difference in your life.

6. EXERCISE - Give your body a stretch! If you are always sitting at workplace or home, your body will become unfit and lethargic. To become more energetic and healthy do some exercise regularly. You don't have to join a gym if you don't want to. Neither you have to do anything strenuous. Simply start with regular walks in your neighborhood. Also, you can practice asanas, although it would be better to do them under the supervision of a yoga instructor.

7. PRACTICE AFFIRMATIONS & VISUALIZATION - Affirmations will literally change your life. If you don't know about positive affirmations read -> Why Positive Affirmations Work and How to Use Them.
Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated again and again to reprogram the Subconscious mind.

Also visualize your goals to achieve them! Whether you want a great body or a job, money or love, you can manifest your desires by simply viewing your goals as your mind's eyes as if they are already completed! This is specially effective before going to sleep and after waking up as the subconscious mind is most impressionable at that time!

Daily practicing affirmations and visualization will improve your life in a short time. But like anything else persistence is the key. In just six months you can see a marked difference in your life if you visualize and affirm multiple times, every single day.

Have you ever noticed that the people we surround ourselves with have an impact in our lives? We literally become like our closest friends! Are you stuck in life? Simply start making new friends. If you want to change your life quickly, start making new friends and acquaintances. You will learn so much from new people and also you'll be able to get new information and opportunities.

9. LEARN A NEW SKILL - Learn a new skill in 2020 and each of the years to come! Learn a new language, cooking new dishes, gardening or maybe a sport. Choose anything you want but do at least one new thing every year! At the end of the next decade you will be equipped with ten skills that would certainly take you ahead of the others.

10. SET GOALS & DO SOME PLANNING - What is your purpose in life? What gives you joy? Why are you doing what you are doing? Have you ever reflected on these questions? We never pause to think about our very own life! And that is the reason why most of us feel so lost and unhappy. Start doing some serious introspection. Know the person called you! And then set goals for yourself.

Again setting goals is meaningless if you don't know how to achieve them! So make some action plan based on yearly, monthly, weekly and daily basis. If you feel that you need some help on goal setting and planning, read  A Street Kid's guide to Having it All by John Assaraf.

CONCLUSION: To make 2020 the best year ever, practice certain habits that will change your life. Change your attitude by smiling more, keep a gratitude journal, read good books, stop complaining, change your diet, exercise daily, practice affirmations and visualization, make new acquaintances, learn a new skill and set goals for yourself. Bringing these positive changes in your daily routine would take you to a new level. You will be amazed to see your life improving so much in just one year, more than the combined achievements in the last decade! But remember, you have to continue your habits so that 2020 is just a start and your life starts to skyrocket from this year onwards!

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

I am a Personal Development coach and can provide you the one-on-one guidance you require to make 2020 the best year ever!

* I take work projects for Blogging & Book Reviews. 

1 comment:

  1. It's really very helpful ma'am.... I would try my best to implement these methods from today itself to make my 2020 the best year ever


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