Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to Motivate Yourself in Difficult Times | 7 Simple Ways of Self Motivation

Life compels us to go through tough times, the days when we doubt ourselves and we want to give up! However, we must continue our journey courageously and confidently. Moments of anguish should not distract us from our goals and desires. We must be willing to get up and get going.

Motivation is the fire that ignites our spirit. I am going to give you some easy steps to refuel your mind during difficult times by motivating yourself.

The 7 Simple ways of motivating yourself are:

1. HAVE A MORNING RITUAL - The easiest way to stay motivated even in hard times is by having a daily morning ritual. If you do one or a few inspiring things every morning it becomes your habit.

So, whether it's a normal day or a tough one you can set the tone of the day in a positive manner by following a morning routine.

Your morning ritual can include one or more of these:

# Reading a few pages from a personal-development book
# Going for a walk/ Spending time in nature
# Meditation
# Any form of physical exercise
# Reading inspirational quotes
# Listening to a podcast
# Watching a motivational video
# Reviewing your list of goals
# Affirmations
# Visualization

2. BELIEVE IN THE BEST - If you develop your mindset such that you are always hoping and believing in the best, guess what, most of the time great things will happen to you!

So even if you are in a rough patch now or feeling miserable for something that had happened, quickly return to your optimistic self. The more you think positively and expect good things to happen to you, the more such things will appear in your life!

3. POSITIVE SELF TALK - Make a habit of talking positively to yourself. In reality, we are always talking to ourselves but most of these self-communications are detrimental for us.

So when you are feeling frustrated and motivated talk to yourself in an encouraging tone. Become a mentor to yourself and give a morale boost! You can look into your eye in front of a mirror and speak aloud or just close your eyes and do the talk in your mind.

4. AFFIRM TO YOURSELF - Whenever you feel discouraged, affirm positive statements repeatedly.

A few effective motivating affirmations are:

 • I am confident.
 • I have what it takes to do it!
 • I believe in myself.
 • I love and approve of myself.
 • I am a success.
 • I am always in the right place at the right time.
 • I am the best and I deserve the best!

5. COMMUNICATE WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE - There must be some people in your life who are motivating and supportive! Talk about your worries with such people.

You would definitely get an instant shift in your mood. In case you don't have any such people in your life, you can still get in touch with inspiring persons through their books, videos, podcasts, blogs etc. For instance, you can follow this blog, " Better Life Ideas" as I have created this blog to communicate with you and provide you with motivation and positivity!

6. TAKE ACTION - The more you sit idle and think about your problems, the longer you would feel helpless and miserable.

So get up and work on your goals. Take a small step towards your big goals! It would not only help you to reach your goal but in taking action you would move from being lethargic to supercharged.

7. GET SOME SLEEP - If you are feeling extremely low, get some sleep to break the current pace of things.

As you take a nap your body and mind rejuvenate, eliminating your worries. Sleep helps to reduce your anxiety and you can take a fresh start after that!

Know that you are not alone facing challenges in life. Each person has to go through tough times in their life. Sometimes it's a short phase but it could also be a long span where life might seem like a dark tunnel. You might want to give up your hopes and become heartbroken. Nevertheless, you have to be strong and get going. Following the above-mentioned steps, you can easily cope with any challenges that life might throw on your way. Remember failure or suffering can never dampen the spirit of those who do not accept defeat!

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA


  1. Thnks for motivating ne always in my tough times

    1. It's very inspiring ma'am and the methods that you have mentioned are really very helpful.... Thank you for always uplifting us with your blogs


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