Tuesday, September 24, 2019

10 Lessons I have learned in Life

Life is the best school and experience is the best teacher. Following are the 10 Lessons I have learned in a hard way -

1. If you are passionate about something, it's worth pursuing. Take action towards your desires. Life is too short and all you have is "now". So make time for your passion, chase your wildest dreams.

2. Thoughts become things literally. Our thoughts and beliefs create our world. Positive thinking will assist you in more ways than you can imagine. A positive mindset is a must to achieve great things in life.

3. Some people will say mean things about you. Don't give up on your plans because others are criticising your ideas. It really does not matter what others think about you.

4. Choose your friends wisely. Some friends can enrich your life while some others can abuse you. Also, we become like our close friends so pick your pals carefully. It's better to be alone than in the wrong company.

5. Be prepared. There isn't really a shortcut to success. You must be willing to consistently work on your goals. Hone your skills, read and learn a lot. Outwork everyone around you. As they say, preparation beats talent every single time!

6. No one is coming to save you! This is your life and you should take the full charge. Don't expect others would come to make things easier for you. You have to make decisions and you have to take full responsibility for that.

7. Set high standards. It's absolutely foolish to say " yes" for things you know are a "no" for you. Be firm with your non-negotiables and never compromise on that.

8. Difficult times show the real character of people. In your bad days, you'll painfully observe the true colours of many people including some friends and loved ones. Learn the lessons and move on.

9. Time is the most precious thing in life. Our lifespan is comprised of packets of time. The time you give to people and things are portions from your own life! So use your time well. Stop spending time on useless stuffs and worthless people.

10. Money is the most powerful tool on earth. A penniless person is useless however kind and loving they are. Money gives you freedom and money does buy happiness. So it's better to start earning and investing money as young as possible.

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA


  1. Your blogs really teaches many a things about life and uplifts me..... So thank you ma'am for sharing this with us...

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