Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Simple Tip to Create the Life you Desire

In this blog, I have discussed a lot about the Power of the Subconscious mind, Law of Attraction , different strategies for self-improvement etc. to change your life for the better. But what if still, you are having doubts about having a better life, you still can't believe that you can actually have what you really want?

I will give you a very easy technique. It's acting as if it's already done!

How would you talk and walk when you have got that job or started the new venture, pursued your passion, had all the money you want, married your Soulmate or whatever else that you want? Really would you not act differently from how you behave now? Just close your eyes and feel how it would be like to live the life of your dream. And then observe how you act or feel now! Next, start acting, talking and behaving just like you are already living your dream. For instance, if you were rich maybe you would have stood tall, communicated confidently and smiled more often. Start practising that now.

To make your intention even stronger start dressing like your ideal self. Start taking attention to your appearance. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant but you can be more attentive to how you look and how it makes you feel. Say you are doing an entry-level job but aspire to become a manager, then it's better to start dressing and grooming as you've already got the post! There's a saying, "dress like you are already famous."  It implies that your dress up and grooming can have an effect on your future!

Now you might be thinking how by pretending like someone else can actually benefit you. The reason being simple. What you think or feel and how you act or behave creates an impression on your Subconscious mind. The Subconscious cannot realise the difference between what's real and what you are faking! And it simply starts to draw resources, situations and people into your life that matches your current state of mind. (Read about the Power of the Subconscious Mind.) Eventually, your life becomes exactly as you have imagined for yourself! It's true that "Fake it till you make it" works. You can pretend to be successful to actually bring success in your life.

CONCLUSION: # Change your life by acting as if you are already experiencing your dream life.

# Your Subconscious mind can't identify the difference between reality and imitation. It being a powerful tool, starts to attract the stuff required to live the life you are just imitating.

# Fake it till you make it works! Anything that you continuously practice ultimately becomes your reality.

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA


  1. Another amazing blog thanks mam for supporting us

  2. Nice post. I have significant experience of training my subconscious mind and achieving desired results. Thanks.


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