Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Affirmations: Why Positive Affirmations Work & How To Use Them

Most of you have heard about the term affirmation. Many of you might also be using it to channel your way towards success. But do you know why affirmations work? Also, are you using them in the correct way to get the best results?

In this article, I am going to dig deep into the technique of affirmation.

What is an affirmation?

Firstly, we must know what an affirmation is practical. An affirmation is a positive statement, uttered repeatedly with a strong belief, to make positive changes in life.

An affirmation could be a declaration of a specific goal in it's completed state or it could be a positive, empowering statement to replace any limiting belief and reprogram your Subconscious mind. [Recommended How to become Successful in Life using the Power of the Subconscious mind ]

Successful people, from entrepreneurs to award-winning actors, champion sportsmen to best-selling authors practice daily affirmations to achieve their goals!

Recommended Famous people who succeeded using Affirmations

Why Positive Affirmations Work?

● Affirmations are one of the best tools to use the Law of attraction in your favour. The more you repeat positive affirmations, the more you start attracting resources, situations and people in your favour.

● Affirmations also help you to develop a positive mindset. It helps to eliminate the negative thoughts and beliefs from our mind and cultivate a winning mindset.

● Affirmation is an excellent technique to reprogram your Subconscious mind. The limiting and disempowering beliefs imprinted in our Subconscious could be easily replaced with positive affirmations repeated on a continuous and consistent manner.

How to use Positive Affirmations? 

■ Firstly, choose your affirmations from the suggestions from renowned Life Coaches and Personal Development books. Or you create your own affirmations.

■ State your affirmation in a language you are comfortable. Ideally, it should be stated in your mother-tongue or in a language you prefer.

■ Form your affirmation in the present tense and start with the words " I am" or it's equivalent in your language.

■ State it in the positive sense. It should be about what you want, not something you don't want.
For example:
I am in good health. (correct)
I am not ill. (incorrect)

■ Keep it brief and specific.

■ While affirming feel your emotions. At first, it would be mechanical and rehearsed, but as you progress, try to add some positive emotions with it, even if it's fake.

Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish the difference between real and fake emotions!
The affirmations get impressed in your mind easily when an emotion or feeling is involved.

■ Repetition is the key. Repeat your affirmations again and again. Speak each affirmation for at last 20 times every single day. If you want faster results, repeat each affirmation at the last 200 times at one go!

■ Practice affirmations several times a day. Take one affirmation, repeat it continuously before moving to a second one.

■ For even better results, visualise while affirming.

■ You can meditate before or after affirming, to achieve your goals sooner.

■ Speak, read, write and listen to  (recorded) affirmations to reprogram your Subconscious quickly and create your dream life.

A few of my favourite affirmations are:

▪ I am happy.
▪ I am blessed.
▪ I am loved.
▪ I am grateful for all that is.
▪ I am in good health.
▪ I am successful.
▪ I am confident.
▪ I am beautiful.
▪ I am prosperous.
▪ I love and approve of myself.
▪ Every day in every way I am getting better and better.
▪ Everything I need is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
▪ Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
▪ I attract love wherever I go.
▪ I am always in the right place at the right time.
▪ I am surrounded by happy, positive-minded, successful, prosperous, kind and helpful people in my life.

Recommended101 Best Affirmations of All Time

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

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