Friday, January 31, 2020

10 Ways to Raise your Vibration

We are all energy beings. Each living being resonates with an energetic vibration. When you are engaged in positive thoughts and actions, you automatically vibrate at a higher level of frequency. The more you stay in a higher vibration, the better your life becomes because you attract people and situations that resonate with your state of being.

What is Energy Vibration?

In this Universe, each particle, living or non-living is vibrating at a frequency level. Even our thoughts are made of energy! And energy exchange is happening whenever we are interacting with one another. This individual level of energy frequency is often referred to as the Energy Vibration or Vibe.

Now, even if you have no idea on this matter, you probably have felt the vibe of people, experiences and objects! Some people are light as a breeze. They bring smiles and happiness wherever they go! Again, there are some who will bring bitterness and tension in the atmosphere. Tragic news makes our stomach feel heavy while happy ending in a movie elevates our mood so much! These are all energetic vibrations.

Why Vibrations are important?

Vibrations are important because if you vibrate at a low frequency for a long time, you will naturally attract bad stuff in your life! And if you, on the other hand, vibrate at a higher frequency you will bring amazing experiences and all good things in your life.

According to the Law of Attraction, vibration is extremely important. Because we attract people, situations, and stuff that resonate with the frequency that we emit. Therefore, you cannot achieve great things in life while vibrating at a low-frequency level.

How to Raise your Vibration?

Luckily there are many ways by which you can raise your vibration. Here are 10 Ways by which you can Raise your Vibration instantly:


If you want to create a great life and want to implement only one important strategy for that, this is the answer! Gratitude will transform your life completely. Keep a gratitude journal to jot down 5 things you are grateful for every single day. It will raise your vibration and improve the quality of your life so much more!


Laughter is a good medicine because it heals you from the inside. If you smile and laugh often, you will be able to stay in a high vibe almost always. (7 Amazing Benefits Of Laughter)


How many times a day do you think about the things you do not want in life? The more you focus on the things you do not want, the more you stay stuck in a low vibe.

For instance, if you are currently facing a financial crisis do not concentrate on the lack. Think and plan on the situation, yes, but don't stress on the problem. Instead, visualize abundance! Shower some gratitude on what you do have!


The easiest way to maintain your own vibe is by engaging in unbiased conversation. When you judge someone you are neither doing good to them or to yourself. Whenever you gossip or say negative things about people, you instantly lower your vibration.


The food you eat not only nourishes your body but also your mind! People who eat fresh, healthy foods are always happy and energetic. On the other hand, those who feed on stale foods, canned, fried, extra spicy, oily and unhealthy foods always stay in a negative mood. To stay in a high vibe choose greens and other healthy options. Also, stop dumping your refrigerator because foods kept for a long time lose their quality and are low in energy frequency.


We tend to raise our frequency as we spend time in a natural environment. Today's fast life has disconnected us from Mother Nature. As we move away from her, our internal power decreases. To enhance your inner energy, go for a stroll in a natural surrounding every day.


Meditation is a channel to connect with Source energy. In a deep meditative state, you will find solutions to your problems and answers to your queries. Practice meditation daily to ensure a high vibration.


Stop calculating all the time! Try to ignore what you will get from others. Instead, become a generous person. Pay for someone's coffee, give a sincere compliment, do a free service somewhere, offer help to someone out there!

As you practice generosity, you stay in a blissful condition. You become a high vibrational being.


Forgiveness is a skill that improves your life. When you practice forgiveness, you release stored up negative emotions, past hurts, and resentment. By forgiving others mentally you do a great service to yourself because you start to heal while practicing forgiveness.


Most of us do not have an ideal environment. An environment that is conducive to growth and success is not handed out, it has to be created! Eliminate negative influences, read and listen to positive content, visit cultural places, attend personal development seminars. In short, create an environment for yourself. Don't settle for less if you want to succeed. Build a great atmosphere that supports and encourages you. You can do this by choosing the right options for yourself.

Also, read - How to surround yourself with positivity


As we are energy beings, therefore we are influenced by the energy of others. We must try to protect our energy so that it is not lowered. Furthermore, we have to continuously raise the vibration to attract good things in life. The 10 ways mentioned in this article will help you to increase your vibration so that you become a magnet to success, abundance, and wonderful opportunities.

~Article written by Ishita Ganguly, M.Sc, B.Ed, MBA

I am a Personal Development coach and can provide you the one-on-one guidance you require to make 2020 the best year ever!

* I take work projects for Blogging & Book Reviews. 

10 Ways to Raise your Vibration